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Florida Pest Control in Loxahatchee

Located in southern Florida near all the warmth, natural beauty, and excitement of West Palm Beach, Loxahatchee makes a fantastic home – both for people and for some of the most notorious pests. Termites, bugs, lawn pests, rodents, and, well, just about everything that crawls, scurries, or flies, can thrive in the humid, subtropical climate of South Florida. 

Fortunately, Hulett Environmental Services provides sustainable pest control solutions to keep pests off your property and away from you and your loved ones. Don’t wait to treat your pest infestation. Just call Hulett

Green Pest Control Solutions for Your Loxahatchee, FL, Home

Many pests can present health risks to you and your family. Here at Hulett, we’re committed to protecting you and those close to you from both pests and toxic chemicals. We utilize low-impact pest control treatments to remove pests from your home safely and promptly. Whether you’re looking for bedbug control, mosquito control, or fire ant control, our team has the solution you need – all administered by our expert technicians, who are highly trained by our team of board-certified entomologists.

A few of the pests we treat in Loxahatchee include:

Termite Control in Loxahatchee, FL 

When you have a termite infestation, treatment from a proper exterminator is needed to completely eradicate them. Termites are constantly gnawing on wood and can ruin the structure of your house or building – not to mention what all this damage can do to your wallet. 

Unfortunately, termite infestations often go unnoticed until severe damage has been done. At Hulett, our pest control experts have the tools and expertise to quickly identify and treat or prevent termites. We even offer no-tent termite solutions for eliminating certain types of termite infestations without a fumigation process.

Rodent Control and Trapping in Loxahatchee, FL

Rodents, such as rats and mice, can impose serious risks. Along with harming your peace of mind, rodents can carry diseases, contaminating food and surfaces in your home. While there are ways to prevent a rat infestation, home remedies are not fully effective without help from pest control professionals. At Hulett, we provide sustainable rodent control and removal services to get and keep rodents out, without putting the health of your family or pets at risk.

Pest Control Services for Your Loxahatchee Lawn

We treat more than just pests at Hulett. Although we’re more than happy to help treat your lawn pests and offer outdoor pest control solutions, like mosquito control and fire ant control, we can go a step further! 

We provide specialized lawn care services to treat the diseases and weeds threatening your grasses, shrubs, palms, and ornamental plants. With our lawn spraying and fertilizing services, you can be sure your lawn will flourish. To get started, our experts will inspect your lawn and create a customized pest and lawn treatment plan to improve the health of your lawn for the long haul.

Pest Control Solutions for Your Loxahatchee, FL, Business

At Hulett, we’re committed to helping Loxahatchee business owners keep their places of business pest-free. When you need pest management or a commercial exterminator, lean on Hulett. We have sustainable commercial pest control services and even general disinfecting services to protect you, your employees, and your customers from potential risks. When you’re looking for general or targeted commercial pest control services, including bedbug and bird control, Hulett has you covered. 

A few of the industries we serve in the Loxahatchee area include:

Schedule Your Free Inspection Today for Pest Control in Loxahatchee, FL

Our team is proud to have served the Palm Beach County area for over 50 years and to offer environmentally-conscious Loxahatchee pest control to fellow local residents and businesses. With the tools to quickly identify and treat pest infestations, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your property will be, and stay, pest-free when you work with the Hulett team. 

Schedule your free inspection today by giving us a call or contacting us online! We can accommodate same-day and weekend service times, so don’t hesitate to just call Hulett, no matter when your pest problems strike.

Valid on new service only. Discounts cannot be applied toward current services or renewals.

Schedule a FREE Inspection

Our Pest Control Benefits for Your Home


Graduate Entomologists
on Staff

Locations Across
South Florida


No Smelly
Sprays Inside

Guaranteed Effective

Focus on
Pest Prevention

24-Hour Service
Including Saturdays

Latest Pest & Termite News

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Getting Rid of Florida Chinch Bugs

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